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Factor Analysis of Improving Water Drinking for the Elder People: An Explorative Study in China

Hubert Liu and Cheng-Chung Tsai
Putian University, Putian, China

Abstract—This research aims to manifest impacting factors of water drinking for the elder people in China in order to propose creative strategies for improving their water drinking. Unlike food intake, drinking water is usually ignored by the elderly and their caregivers. In this research, we intend to propose innovative strategies to promote a habit of water drinking for the elderly in order to meliorate the deficiency of water drinking for the elderly. We conducted questionnaire survey through internet website and analyzed relevant factors through paired sample t-test analysis, chi-square analysis and explain the significant factors impacting water drinking to the elderly. There are mainly three research findings. Firstly, we reiterate the explanatory function of KAP theory, which copes to the scenario of water drinking for the elderly, enlightens us a positive way to cultivate a healthy behavior for the elderly. Secondly, the actual behavior of water drinking for the elderly is closely related to their knowledge and attitude toward water drinking. However, the caregivers’ knowledge and attitude are insignificant to influence the actual practice of water drinking for the elderly. This conspicuous finding is meaningful because it shows that self-health-management for the elderly should be emphasized, rather than only relying on caregivers. Thirdly, we found the concept of hygiene and health is almost taken account of by all of the elderly. The elderly who has stronger inclination to take health products also has positive correlation of water drinking. Hence, it proclaims that the health promotion and education regarding of water drinking for the elderly is necessary because they have high motivation to sustain their well-being. According to our findings, consequently, we suggest that paying attention to the strategy on self-health-management for the elderly is an essential way to meliorate the lack of drinking water for the elderly.
Index Termselder people, water intake, self-health-management

Cite:Hubert Liu and Cheng-Chung Tsai, "Factor Analysis of Improving Water Drinking for the Elder People: An Explorative Study in China," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 20-25, January 2022. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.11.1.20-25

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