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Repellence Effect of Various Parts of Guavas Shoot to Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)

Mofit Eko Poerwanto and Cimayatus Solichah
Faculty Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—CVPD or Huanglongbing is the most devastating disease on citrus production in Indonesia and in the world. It is vectored by asian citrus psyllid. Guava leave extract is a prospective control means for reducing psyllid population. Research was conducted to investigate the repellent effect of guava shoots to psyllids. Repellent effect of grinded dried upper shoot (leaf number 1 and 2 from the top), middle shoot (leaf number 3 and 4 from the top), and bottom shoot (leaf number 5 and 6 from the top) of red, white, and non-seed guava leave to ten adult psyllids of mixed gender were determined in Y-tube olfactometer. The result shows that guava leave has repellence effect to psyllids adult. The effect is reduced as the increase of leaf age. Highest repellence effect is found from red guava leave, followed by non-seed guava and white guava. It is suggested that the highest repellent properties is in upper shoots or youngest leaf of guava. olfactometer: a device used to study insect behavior in presence of an olfactory stimulus. It consists of a tube with a bifurcation ("Y" shape) where an insect walks and decides between two choices, usually clean air versus air carrying an odor.

Index Terms—Diaphorina citri, guava, huanglongbing, leave volatile

Cite:Mofit Eko Poerwanto and Cimayatus Solichah, "Repellence Effect of Various Parts of Guavas Shoot to Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 43-46, January 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.9.1.43-46

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