Sappan (Caesalpinia sappan) Seeds in the Control of Cockroach (Periplenata americana)
Liwayway H. Acero, Maria Eliza P. Cruz, and Fedeliz S. Tuy
Department of Natural Sciences College of Arts and Sciences, San Beda University, Manila, Philippines
Abstract—Cesalpina sappan has been known in tropical countries, as one of herbal plant use in rural areas. The heartwood is utilized as firewood. There are studies on its medicinal use, but its potential as control to cockroach is not yet explored. This research was undertaken to determine what concentration of seed ethanol extract (SSEE) will control cockroach. Result of this study is beneficial to rural and urban areas where cockroaches are abundant. It is most beneficial in places where Sappan seeds are just thrown away, which can be used as potential source of insecticide from plants. Experimental research method with four treatments and 80 experimental animals was used. SSEE was macerated in 95% ethanol. Eghty cockroaches were assigned in four groups/treatments, with 20 cockroaches per treatment. They were exposed to different concentrations as; T- 0% SSEE, T1, 25% SSEE, T2, 50% SSEE, and T3, 75% SSEE. Gathered data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Fisher Least Significant Difference test (LSD). Findings of the study revealed that highest percentage of mortality after 48 hours observation, was obtained from treatment three (75 %percent SSEE). Based on this result Sappan seeds ethanol extract has a significant potential in the control of cockroaches specifically at higher concentration.
Index Terms—Caesalpinia sappan, Periplenata americana
Index Terms—Caesalpinia sappan, Periplenata americana
Cite:Liwayway H. Acero, Maria Eliza P. Cruz, and Fedeliz S. Tuy, "Sappan (Caesalpinia sappan) Seeds in the Control of Cockroach (Periplenata americana)," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 123-127, October 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.8.4.123-127