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Antifungal Activity of Essential Oil Extract of Lemon Cui (Citrus microcarpa) Skin against Trichophyton rubrum Growth

Sabrina P. M. Pinontoan, Nurmila Sunati, Befani Aditya Febriana, and Elne Vieke Rambi
Health Analyst Department of Manado Health Polytechnic, Indonesia

Abstract—Objective: The aim of this study was to test the antifungal activity of essential oil extract of lemon cui skin on Trichophyton rubrum growth. Method: This research is true experimental laboratory to see the existence of clear zone on SDA test media after giving the extract. The research was held 9 weeks in the laboratory of Health Analyst of Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado. Essential oil extract of Lemon Cui (Citrus microcarpa) Skin was taken using Steam Distillation method. Antifungal activity test do by inserting 1 ml of Trichophyton rubrum suspension into sterile petri dish then poured ± 20 ml SDA medium and made homogeneous. The diameter of well is about 6 mm Then into different wells put 20 μl extract and 20 μl positive control (ketoconazole 2%). After the whole process has been completed, the petri dishes are put into an incubator at 37°C. The clear zones was observed after 48 hours. Result: Extraction with steam destilation method resulted a yellow gold oil with weighing 1.8 g and the yield is 0,75%. Antifungal activity test showed that essential oil extract of Lemon Cui skin had inhibitory effect on Trichophyton rubrum growth. The diameter average of clear zone around the well is 8,6 mm. Conclusion: Essential oil extract of Lemon Cui Skin has inhibitory power to inhibit Trichophyton rubrum growth, marked by the clear zone around the well.

Index Terms—anti fungal activity, Lemon Cui (Citrus microcarpa) skin, essential oil extract, Trichophyton rubrum

Cite:Sabrina P. M. Pinontoan, Nurmila Sunati, Befani Aditya Febriana and Elne Vieke Rambi, "Antifungal Activity of Essential Oil Extract of Lemon Cui (Citrus microcarpa) Skin against Trichophyton rubrum Growth," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 40-44, April 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.8.2.40-44

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