Maneuverability Evaluation of a Surgical Robot for Single-Port Surgery
Katsuaki Oiwa, Shotaro Maeda, and Chiharu Ishii
Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract—This study evaluates the operability of a surgical robot for single-port surgery (SPS) developed in our laboratory. The surgical robot operates under master–slave control implemented by the haptic interface Omega 7 and is reinforced with a force feedback mechanism. The maneuverability of the surgical robot system was assessed in a block transfer experiment and a ligation experiment. The completion times of forceps manipulation by robot operation were compared with those of manual operation. To assess the force feedback functionality of the surgical robot, we tested whether the robot could properly contact and avoid obstacles when using the forceps. The results verified the effectiveness of the surgical robot system for SPS.
Index Terms—surgical robot, single-port surgery, maneuverability evaluation, force feedback
Cite: Katsuaki Oiwa, Shotaro Maeda, and Chiharu Ishii, " Maneuverability Evaluation of a Surgical Robot for Single-Port Surgery," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 38-43, January 2016. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.5.1.38-43