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The Potential Chito-Oligosaccharide (COS) as Natural Prebiotic and Preservatives on Synbiotic Tofu in Indonesia

Agnes Sri Harti1, Dwi Susi Haryati2, Sunarto2, Wiwik Setyaningsih3 and Sri Yatmihatun4
1 Departement of Nursing, Kusuma Husada Surakarta College Health of Science, Surakarta, Indonesia
2 Departement of Nursing, Polytechnic Health Ministry Republic of Indonesia, Surakarta, Indonesia
3 Departement of Speech Therapy, Polytechnic Health Ministry Republic of Indonesia, Surakarta, Indonesia
4 Departement of Acupuncture, Polytechnic Health Ministry Republic of Indonesia, Surakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—Chito-oligosaccharide (COS) is a glycoprotein bond 1.4 glucosamine, are synthezied from chitin deacetylation result from waste of shrimp and crabs sheell there were potential and abundant in Indonesia. COS has a uniqueness that is polycationic proteins are able to protect and reduce the rate of growth of pathogenic bacteria. Tofu is one of the processed coagulation soybean products that contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. The concept of food fortification can be used to characterize food biosuplemen health improvement as a functional food. The results show the potential of Chito-oligosaccharide 2% w/w was an integrated in the production of synbiotic tofu expected to be multifunctional as a prebiotic and a natural preservative can serve as a functional food.

Index Terms—Chito-oligosaccharides, preservatives, prebiotic, synbiotic, tofu

Cite: Agnes Sri Harti, Dwi Susi Haryati, Sunarto, Wiwik Setyaningsih and Sri Yatmihatun, "The Potential Chito-Oligosaccharide (COS) as Natural Prebiotic and Preservatives on Synbiotic Tofu in Indonesia" International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 204-208, July 2015. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.4.3.204-208
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