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Optimization of the Treatment of Chronic Eczema in the Elderly

Zhumash Nurmukhambetov1, Torgyn Ibrayeva1, Alibek Nurmukhambetov2, and Yerlan Bazarbekov3
1.Semey Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan
2.Clinic “Shipager”, Semey, Kazakhstan
3.Central Regional Hospital, Uspenka, Kazakhstan

Abstract—The high prevalence and social significance of eczema in the modern world are not in doubt. According to various authors, it takes from 10% to 40% of all cases of skin diseases [1]-[3]. However, in the elderly, eczema accounts for even more than 50% in the structure of skin pathology [4]. This problem is of extreme importance in the modern world, given the fact that, at the moment, the whole world is focused on a significant increase in the number of the elderly. In this sense, the need for dermatological care in people of this category is significantly higher than in people of working age. Many treatment methods have been developed, but medical practice urgently requires the improvement and creation of more effective therapies.

Index Terms—eczema, lichenification, therapy, spirulina

Cite:Zhumash Nurmukhambetov, Torgyn Ibrayeva, Alibek Nurmukhambetov, and Yerlan Bazarbekov, "Optimization of the Treatment of Chronic Eczema in the Elderly," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 91-95, April 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.9.2.91-95

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