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Finite Element Analysis Evaluating Function of LCP System for Osteoporotic Humerus Fracture

Jung-Soo Lee1, Eunji Kim1, Kwang Gi Kim1, and Yong-Cheol Yoon2
1.Gachon University & Gachon University Gil medical Center /Dept. of Biomedical Engineering & Medical Devices R&D Center, Incheon, Republic of Korea
2.Orthopedic Trauma Division, Trauma Center, Gachon University College of Medicine, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Abstract—In this study, we developed a 3 parts fracture model of osteoporotic humerus by reconstructing the four structures of the humerus (cortical bone, trabecular bone, articular cartilage, sub-chondral) using a CT image for 3D CAD modeling. 3D CAD modeling of the fractured humerus and locking compression plate (LCP) system were done with the use of SolidWorks 2017.
Finite element analysis (FEA) of the osteoporotic humerus 3 parts fracture, LCP system was analyzed by ANSYS Workbench 19.0, and the stress such as Maximum shear stresses on locking screw-cortical bone interface area, Maximum von Mises stresses at LCP and LCP-locking screw assembly was obtained with FEA.
In torsion force applied load condition, the stress occurred in with calcar screw was 50% to 200% lesser than without calcar screw, effect of calcar screws was confirmed.

Index Terms—finite element analysis, proximal humerus, osteoporosis, fracture, LCP system

Cite:Jung-Soo Lee, Eunji Kim, Kwang Gi Kim, and Yong-Cheol Yoon, "Finite Element Analysis Evaluating Function of LCP System for Osteoporotic Humerus Fracture," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 86-90, July 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.8.3.86-90

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