Relation between Mini-Mental State Examination and Motor Control Function Examination on Dementia
Kyota Aoki1,
Kenji Niijima2, and
Tsutomu Yoshioka3
1.Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya, Japan
2.Niijima clinic for internal medicine, Shimotsuke, Japan
3.Soft CDC corp., Utsunomiya, Japan
2.Niijima clinic for internal medicine, Shimotsuke, Japan
3.Soft CDC corp., Utsunomiya, Japan
Abstract—The authors developed a performance measuring method for motor control function. Using the method, patients suspected of dementia were measured the performance of their motor control function. The method used needs only 25 seconds to complete. It is safe, simple and non-invasive. The relation between the performance of motor control function and mini-mental state examination is discussed. Some parameters of the measurements of motor control function and the score of MMSE shows high correlation. MMSE sub-problem that represents the function of unevenly distributed in cerebellum, link to the parameter of the hand dominated by the brain dominant hemisphere.
Index Terms—motor control function, dementia, MMSE
Index Terms—motor control function, dementia, MMSE
Cite:Kyota Aoki, Kenji Niijima, and Tsutomu Yoshioka, "Relation between Mini-Mental State Examination and Motor Control Function Examination on Dementia," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 79-85, July 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.8.3.79-85