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Effect of Unipolar Magnetic Field on Macroscopic Properties of Distilled Water

Valery Shalatonin
State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus

Abstract—Differences in biophysical properties of water (pH, temperature, evaporation and bioactivity) affected by the north and south polarity magnetic field are studied. The magnetic field (MF) is produced by a ring-shaped permanent magnet. The intensities of the MF at the extremities from the center are in the range of 45–65 mT. Petri dish (PD) containing distilled water was left on the surface of this magnet (N or S pole) for a long period of time (up to 70 hours). It is shown that the changes in pH and in amount of evaporated water have the opposite character for different poles of the magnet in comparison with water in the control PD. It is found that the MF decreases the water evaporation and pH in case of the south polarity MF and increases the amount of evaporated water and pH if the north polarity MF is applied. The temperature of the distilled water treated by the MF gets higher (0.4 – 0.8 °C) in comparison with the water in the control PD.

Index Terms—water, magnetic field, north and south polarity, pH, evaporation, temperature

Cite: Valery Shalatonin"Effect of Unipolar Magnetic Field on Macroscopic Properties of Distilled Water," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 89-93, July 2017.doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.6.3.89-93
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