Comparison of Morphological Variation and Shear Bond Strength Between Conventional Acid Etchant at Different Etch Times and Self Etching Primer - An in vitro Study
M. J. Ravindranath 1,
Little Mahendra 2,
K. Rajasigamani 3, and Kurinchi Kumaran 3
1 R.M.D.C& H, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram – 608002, Tamilnadu, India
2 Dept of Periodontology, R.M.D.C & H, Annamalai University
3 Dept of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, R.M.D.C & H, Annamalai University
2 Dept of Periodontology, R.M.D.C & H, Annamalai University
3 Dept of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, R.M.D.C & H, Annamalai University
Abstract—The bonding of orthodontic attachments to acidetched enamel is an accepted clinical procedure. Phosphoric acid is the commonly used acid for etching before bonding. This in vitro study compared the enamel etch patterns achieved on the orthodontic bonding area of extracted premolars treated with 37% wt/wt phosphoric acid applied for 15, 30seconds and self etching primer. The etch patterns were viewed with a scanning electron microscope and assessed. The statistical analysis indicates that the self etching primer and 37% phosphoric acid at 15 & 30 seconds etched tooth produced variable etching pattern. Application of 37% phosphoric acid was more effective at producing a good etch pattern at 30 seconds than 15 seconds. Shear bond strength study shows that the 30 seconds etched tooth surface with 37% wt/wt phosphoric acid shows relatively higher bond strength when compared with 15 seconds etched tooth. While comparing with the 30 seconds of 37% wt/wt phosphoric acid and self etching primer group comparison shows there was no significant difference in bond strength, and comparison of 15 seconds of etching with phosphoric acid and self etching shows that self etching primer etching was effective than the 15 seconds etching with phosphoric acid.
Index Terms—orthodontic bonding, acid etching, etching pattern, self-etching primer, shear bond strength.
Cite: M. J. Ravindranath, Little Mahendra, K. Rajasigamani, and Kurinchi Kumaran, "Comparison of Morphological Variation and Shear Bond Strength Between Conventional Acid Etchant at Different Etch Times and Self Etching Primer - An in Vitro Study," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 11-14, January 2015.
Index Terms—orthodontic bonding, acid etching, etching pattern, self-etching primer, shear bond strength.
Cite: M. J. Ravindranath, Little Mahendra, K. Rajasigamani, and Kurinchi Kumaran, "Comparison of Morphological Variation and Shear Bond Strength Between Conventional Acid Etchant at Different Etch Times and Self Etching Primer - An in Vitro Study," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 11-14, January 2015.