Left Lung Aplasia with Other Congenital Abnormalities: A Case Study
Dnyaneshwar and Ch. Sudhakara Babu
Malla Reddy Institute of Medical Sciences, Suraram X Road, Quathubullapur Municipality, RR Dist. Hyderabad.
Abstract—Congenital lung anomalies are categorized as pulmonary agenesis, aplasia and hypoplasia with distinct clinical implications. A baby came with repeated infection of thorax. A detailed evaluation including computed tomography of the thorax and fiberoptic bronchoscopy led to a diagnosis of left lung aplasia. He also had wheezing dyspnea, which was confirmed as bronchial asthma. Congenital lung defects with associated asthma was reported only twice till date. A high index of suspicion is required to recognize such a patient.
Index Terms—Aplasia, Congenital anomolies, Skin Tags, Dermoids
Cite: Dnyaneshwar and Ch. Sudhakara Babu, "Left Lung Aplasia with Other Congenital Abnormalities: A Case Study," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 34-36, October 2013.