Combined Abdominal Flap for Major Hand Reconstruction
K T Ramesha, Srinivas Somashekar, and M Shankarappa
Department of Plastic Surgery,Victoria Hospital, Bmc&ri, Bangalore Fort, Bangalore.
Abstract—Aims: Complete cover of both palmar and dorsal aspects of hand and distal forearm in severe hand injuries is a difficult task. This study presents a technique of providing complete skin cover for total degloving injuries of the hand and distal third of the forearm with combined use of both hypogastric and groin flap. Materials and Methods: Total 8 cases were included in the study who were admitted to the plastic surgery ward with major soft tissue injury to the hand from August 2011. Combined hypogastric and groin flaps were raised according to the size of the defect. maximum defect size covered is 20*25 cm. Results: of the 8 patients included In the study 6 were males,1 female ,1 child with average age 15-57 years. Flaps were divided at 3 to 4 weeks interval, 6 cases had complete flap survival, 2 case had partial flap necrosis and were managed with flap debridement and reinset. Donor defect morbidity included partial graft loss managed b y ssg. Conclusion: The dissection combined groin and hypogastric flap is straightforward and can be easily performed by a single surgeon. The combined use of these flaps allows stable coverage of sizable dorsal and palmar wounds of the hand.
Index Terms—Abdominal flap, Hand injury, Reconstruction
Cite: K T Ramesha, Srinivas Somashekar, and M Shankarappa, "Combined Abdominal Flap for Major Hand Reconstruction," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 52-56, January 2014.