Health Status among School Children Residing in Urban Field Practice Area of Belgaum - A Cross Sectional Study
Rajesh R Kulkarni
Department of Community Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum - 590 010, Karnataka, India.
Abstract—Background and aims: Child¡¯s health is the nation¡¯s wealth. The nutrition and health status of the children is the index of what the nation is investing in the development of its future manpower potential. In Karnataka Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya Program was started in 2006, conducted every year in month of August. Health clinics are set up under this program. This study takes in to consideration all the morbidities occurring in the children. With this theme in mind conducted the present study to determine the health status of school children attending schools under Urban Field Practice Area of Belgaum. Methods and Material: This cross-sectional study was done from August 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012 among 9537 school children studying in 1 st to 10 th standard in Urban Field Practice Area of Belgaum District using predesigned and pretested questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by tables and charts in percentage. Results: Health survey was conducted in the Urban Field Practice Area of Belgaum in the month of August 2012. A total of 9537 students were examined out which 48.42% were boys and 51.58% were girls. Out of total 9537 students examined in urban area of Belgaum 11.5% had Anaemia, 24.9% had Dental Caries, 1.9% had Refractory Error, 3.1 %, 0.2% had CHD, 0.4% had GE, Pyoderma and Scabies Conclusion: Periodic supplementation of Iron and Folic Acid and Periodic de-worming of Hook worm infestation for anaemic children should be done. Health Education should be conducted for maintenance of good oral hygiene, importance of safe drinking water and good nutrition for all the students. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of URTI, Scabies, Pyoderma should be done. Higher Centre referral for children with CHD and other severe diseases should be done.
Index Terms—School children, Health Status
Cite: Rajesh R Kulkarni, "Health Status among School Children Residing in Urban Field Practice Area of Belgaum - A Cross Sectional Study," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 21-27, January 2014.