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FDMA Flap: A Versatile Technique to Reconstruct the Thumb

Mahesh Prabhu, Rajesh Powar, and Sanjitsingh R Sulhyan
Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KLES Hospital and Medical Research Centre (MRC), Belgaum 590010, Karnataka, India.

Abstract—Background: The First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery (FDMA) Flap or Kite flap or Foucher¡¯s flap is an island pedicle flap proximally based on the first dorsal metacarpal artery and veins (William C Pederson, 2011). A branch of radial sensory nerve is incorporated in the flap to make it a sensate flap. The aim of our study was to evaluate the 8 FDMA flaps done over a period of 7 years for distal thumb soft tissue defects. The results in all the cases were good except for two cases; one of which had an unstable scar, which required revision procedure; and the other one had distal flap necrosis which healed without any surgical intervention. The FDMA flap is a versatile workhorse flap for distal thumb soft tissue coverage (Kodi K Azari and Andrew Lee, 2011). Methods: We present a series of 8 cases of distal thumb soft tissue defects, all of which were reconstructed with the FDMA flap. The period of study was from November 2004 to August 2012. Results: All donor sites were closed primarily over the first webspace and split thickness grafted over the index finger proximal phalanx dorsum. 7 flaps survived and one had flap tip necrosis. Conclusion: The FDMA flap is a versatile flap to cover the defects of the dorsal aspect and to a certain extent the volar aspect of the thumb. The flap is sensate, durable, provides adequate soft tissue coverage.

Index Terms—FDMA flap, Kite flap, Foucher's Flap

Cite: Mahesh Prabhu, Rajesh Powar, and Sanjitsingh R Sulhyan, "FDMA Flap: A Versatile Technique to Reconstruct the Thumb," International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 8-14, October 2013.
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